Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14, 2013


I woke up early and got my walk in early. I even went an extra lap. I thought we would get lots of schooling done today, but the government schools had the day off so there were friends over. Chores were slow going, so I gave up and sat in my room spinning and listening to a good book. At 2:30 I came out and made lunch to take to Sloppy's. I also watered my plants. They were drooping. 

Sloppy's was fun tonight. There was a big crowd and Charlie sang a new song, "I Love Rock and Roll." 

Ed and Nina bought me spinach dumplings from The Cafe to eat on the drive home.

While we were driving home, TJ and Ang announced that they are expecting. The kids had a fun group text going on of names for the baby. Mostly hockey names. And Ben came up with Anna Thor Doerfel. Very clever Ben. :0/

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