Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 23, 2013


I went for my walk and woke boys up at 10. We did our schoolwork till 3:00 and then I went to Kim's to help get the next projects going. The big kids spent the day at the church, practicing and setting up lights for the fall festival. 

Just before 6, Kim and the baby, and I picked up 3 dinners to go from Coco's and met Doug at church for Bible study.

While I was at Kim's, Garrett and his friend Jonathan bleached their hair. Garrett told me he wanted to spray his hair white for Halloween. I told him that was ok. But CVS didn't have any, so they went a different route. Bad move.

Afterwards, Tom and I went to Springer's to catch the 2nd half of Goldwing's show. It started to rain during the last song and they had to quit. 

I've bumped bedtime up to 11:00 for the younger boys. Charlie thinks that's unheard of.

And Garrett, tomorrow I am having Ben cut his hair nice and short.

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