Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24, 2013


I made it out for my walk this morning. A cold front has moved in. It's dropped to the low 80s during the day and 70s at night. The humidity is low, and it felt like rain all day but never rained. It felt kind of like WNY. We even turned off the AC and opened the windows.

Again, we did school till 2:30. Then I went to Kim's. We've got another wrap on the loom and Kim started weaving on it. 

When I got home, the younger boys were at their friend's house, a few kids went to a gig at Blue Heaven, and Ed and Garrett were at church, still working on the light show. I hung out with them for a while, then came home.

Tom and I were going to go to Goldwing's last show but Ben called and said that something was wrong with Ed's van. Luckily, they made it to the gig. So Tom headed to KW and dropped me off at Goldwing's show, just two blocks from our house.

I had a good time hanging out with the Goldwing girls. Tom had to call Triple A and have the van towed home. When I got home from the show, I practiced my flute. It was about 10:30 PM.  Then Tom and I dropped Garrett off at church again, to help Ed some more, and we went to pick up Tommy and Charlie. 

When we got home, I made a salad with grapes and quinoa for Ed. I hope he is done soon. He doesn't do well without enough sleep and not eating right. He gets headaches.

Oh, I almost forgot about Garrett. First thing this morning I had Ben cut his hair. What do you think?

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