Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013


Went for my walk and had to force myself to run two laps. It's been partly cloudy, gray, and rainy since Christmas day. I need more sunshine. 

Next, I went to Winn Dixie for some snacks for our little New Year's Eve party after our gig tonight. After I put the groceries away, I fixed a strap on the dress I wanted to wear. I was going to try to finish sewing the crocheted lace to my sheet but all I did was carry it to the kitchen.

I showed Becky and Erin how to make coconut milk yogurt. Tom went to TJ's to fix his toilet. I sent raspberry hot pepper jelly, cream cheese, and crackers with him as a New Year's Eve present for Kim. Joe and I ate leftover salad and mushroom veggie burgers for lunch.

Them we got ready to leave for Schooner Wharf. Ed and Ben had left earlier. They had a lighting and sound gig to set up, that would take place after our Schooner Wharf gig. When we started pulling out of the driveway Tom heard a noise and thought we were running over some styrofoam with the trailer. He got out to look at it. It was a box of screws. Tj picked them all up. we don't know how they got there. We thought that we would now have a flat tire and we were running out of time to get to work on time. Tom kept an eye on the tire and we didn't have any trouble with it.

Schooner went well. There was a great crowd. Key West was extra busy, since it was New Year's Eve. Zona was our waitress, and Jason stopped by our table to say hello. Turtle and Billy were also working tonight. 

At the end of the gig Ed, Ben, and Nina went to the lighting gig at Sunset Pier. Kurt and Erin went to Cara's house. The rest of us went home, by way of Big Pine Winn Dixie. Tom wanted ice cream. 

Once home, we put out all the munchies. We turned the projector on about 2 minutes before the ball dropped, then turned it off. The kids went out to play glo-in-the-dark frisbee in the street in front of our house. After a while some crazy lady walked by yelling at the kids, practically falling over. The kids didn't say anything to her and she kept on walking by.

Becky cleaned up the snacks. Then the little ones got ready for bed. 

I'm tired. Looking forward to sleep.

December 30, 2013


I slept so bad and woke up stiff. I went for my walk and then made pancakes for everyone. Becky's family went to Sombrero Beach. I folded laundry and went through my clothes shelf in our closet. I was able to get rid of a small box of clothes. The rest of our closet needs to be cleaned out bad.

We left at 3:30 for Sloppy Joe's. It was a fun show. Jake came with us and was on stage for a few songs. He was a really good boy. 

When we got home I was able to read a little before bed. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 29, 2013


I woke up to a dreary, gray sky. I went walking and walked two laps and ran one, then started for home. It started sprinkling just as I got home. I woke up Tommy, Charlie, and Joe for church. Nina and Ben went to an earlier service so they could get to their gig on time. Ed spent the morning packing the van for Nina's gig.

After church I went to Walgreens, then home. I ate leftover salad. I hung out in my room for a while reading. The day was dreary and rainy, so the boys decided not to play hockey. I went to Winn Dixie and bought salad fixings and some fruit. I ordered 6 pizzas, went home, made the salad, and did some dishes. Tom went with me to pick up the pizzas.  

I was really tired. After we ate (8:30ish) I put away leftovers and went to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep, and the kids had some friends over and they were loud. I kept waking up and slept horrible.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 28, 2013


I went for my walk and really wanted to not run. The second time running around the park I wanted to quit but I finished. I'm not sure why it was so hard. I had two days off in a row and it was super humid out. Maybe that had something to do with it.

The band went to their gig at Sunset Pier. I tried to do laundry but didn't get much folded. I had Garrett help me in the living room, move furniture, and sweep. There were candy wrappers, garbage, wrapping paper, and shoes everywhere. I had hoped to clean the bathrooms too but it didn't happen.

I watched Jake for a little bit in the late morning. Then Angelica came over and picked up Jake and Charlie and took them to her house for lunch. She came back about 4 to drop them and Callie off so she could go to the second gig at the Hogfish. The kids were pretty good for me. 

I made a salad and some Cuban black beans for supper, and some rice with mixed veggies. Angelica had left me food for Jake and Callie and they ate. I let the kids watch a movie and I started hand sewing some lace that I crocheted quite a while ago to a sheet. 

Rob stopped in with a dozen donuts to see the kids. He stayed for a little and then had to go home. Callie fell asleep on the couch about 9 o'clock and I started getting tired. We turned off the movie and I read a Star Wars book to Charlie before bed.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 27, 2013


No walk this morning. I hurried out with TJ, Ang, Ed, and Nina to their gig at Blue Heaven. I enjoyed just sitting and sipping coffee. I ate pancakes and crocheted a little. Tom and Alex showed up on the motorcycles.

We got home about 3 PM and got ready for the next gig at Salty's in Marathon. The band left at 5 but the younger boys and I left closer to 6:30 with Becky, Dan, and Alex.

There were quite a few homeschoolers and a good-sized crowd. The weather at night has been cooler but a bit damp. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

December 26, 2013


Our house was crazy in the morning. TJ and Angelica came by to drop of the kids and pick up Nina and Ben for their gig at Blue Heaven. I was going to go with them but decided to go on Friday instead. I watched Jake and Callie until others were up to watch them. Then I went walking/running for an hour. They were really good today.

I transplanted some lettuce plants that I started a few weeks ago. I hope they don't all die.

We left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf. TJ and Ben drove Ed's van there and I drove it home later. It was us, Becky's group, Newtons, and Seth and Jim. Key West is really busy right now. 

I left the gig halfway through with Becky, Dan, Jim, and the younger boys. Everyone is so tired. We have been going every day for days, all day long. We usually have Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays off, but not this week or next week. There's also many days with double headers.

December 25, 2013


I slept about 3 hours, got up, and finished making the cinnamon rolls. We have to wake our kids up on Christmas mornings. We ended up with 36 people at our house. Kurt's friend Luke is really loud so I had him be the master of ceremonies. He handed out presents. 

So, here's a list of all those at our house: me, Tom, TJ, Angelica, Jake, Callie, Kim, Doug, Stevie, Bob, Shannon, Ailsa, Ed, Nina, Naomi, Aaron, Ian, Ariel, Joe, Ben, Kurt, Luke, Cara, Jules, Garrett, Jonathan, Tommy, Charlie, Becky, Dan, Alex, Erin, and Seth.

Kim brought over yummy breakfast casseroles and I made turkey bacon. I only buy bacon for Christmas.

At 5 o'clock some of our friends went home and the rest of us went to Rob's for supper. I made some cookies the day before, and Becky decorated them all morning. They were melted snowmen cookies. I also made peanut butter cookies. We took them all to Rob's house.

He fed us seafood pasta with baby squid in it. Imagine that. :0) It was a fun night and a good day.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 24, 2013


I went walking with Becky again. Then did the last of my Christmas shopping with Nina. We went to Walgreens and stopped at Winn Dixie. I made sugar cookies so we could decorate them on Christmas Day.  I made food to take to Sloppy's but forgot a fork so I had to eat it with my fingers on the drive there.

It was a fun night. Becky and family joined us. It was way more fun then the show the night before. I disappeared to pick up a few more presents on Duval. 

When we got home I made the dough for cinnamon rolls. I wrapped the last of the presents and filled the stockings while most of the kids played laser tag. I got to bed about 4:30 AM, just as the kids were coming in from laser tag. 

We got the bad news, that my sister-in-law's brother was killed in an accident. His car was hit by a train.

There were 23 people sleeping in our house.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 23, 2013


Woke up early and went walking with Becky. I am now running 8 minutes, twice around our park. Becky and Dan went to the beach. I made pancakes for everyone. We had 16 people at our house last night. 

I went grocery shopping for fruit. Sometimes I shop by category, or breakfast food, lunch food, etc. Tom and I went to TJ's so he could fix one more thing on their bathroom sink. On our way there we stopped at a hardware store and 2 other stores in the plaza for a few xmas presents. When we got to TJ's, I did their dishes. As we were leaving, they got home from buying a used washer and dryer. Tom helped unload them and hook them up. Unfortunately, the belt was broke on the dryer. Grrrrr. 

When we got home, Alex and Joe were putting the big boys' Christmas present together, a ping pong table. Our friend, Jim S., arrived from Ohio with his grandson, Seth, who spent the night. 

I made a salad, teriyaki chickpeas, and cut up 3 little watermelon. Packed some of it for Ed, Tom, and I to eat on the way to Sloppy's. Ed and Ben left early to start setting up lights for the show. The rest of us left at 3:30. 

We had a lot going on at Sloppy's. It was TJ's first time back there. Kim played the first set and Doug and baby Stevie were there. And Angelica, Jake, and Callie were there too. Callie was soooo cute playing her fiddle with Auntie Kim, and Jake rocking out on his guitar. 

During our first break, Ed and Ben set up the lights. It took too long and things just  didn't go as planned. The band was frustrated.  They decided not to set up the lights for Tuesday's show. 

When we got home the boys watched hockey. I went straight to bed.

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22, 2013


Went walking with Tom's sister Becky. Then went to church. The kids led worship this morning. After church we spent the afternoon getting ready for our Christmas show. 

I got there 45 minutes early and people were starting to come. It was a fun night, having TJ and family back, and Kim made a special appearance. It was a good night. 

After the concert, friend's invited us to their house to see their awesome Christmas decorations and for pizza. Everything was so pretty.

I was very tired when we got home. I got ready for bed ASAP. All but three of the kids went to play laser tag with their cousins and a few friends.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21, 2013


Today was going to be a super busy day so I decided to take today off from walking and go tomorrow instead. Tom wanted me to go with him to the gig at Sunset Pier so I planned on going. The band had to get up a little early to play on BizBaz on US1 Radio. Poor Ed forgot his mandolin in the rush. TJ called and asked if I could watch the kids so while Angelica went grocery shopping, so I stayed home to do that. (I didn't really want to go with so much to do at home). 

Jake and Callie were super good. I had a lot to do to get ready for Tom's sister's family coming to visit. I changed sheets and cleaned the girls' room, where they would be staying. I did laundry, did dishes, wrapped a present, cleaned off my desk. (I threw it all in a drawer).

I took a bunch of rolled up packing paper to Kim's studio. She uses it to roll the yarn onto the back beam. It helps the tension to stay even. Then I stopped at TJ's to drop off some mail and just say hi. Went back home. 

Becky and family arrived. She brought sponge candy so we all ate some. I ate too much. :0/ I always do that. :0( Anyways, after visiting for a while, the kids headed to dress rehearsal, I headed to CVS, then Winn Dixie, stopped at the church to check out dress rehearsal. Excitement is in the air. Went back home and poor me had to carry all the groceries up the stairs by myself. I put it all away and then sat on the porch in my hammock chair in the moonlight and breeze. 

Now I have to tell the kids no laser tag tonight. It's midnight and tomorrow's a big day. They can play tomorrow night.

Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20,2013


Went for my walk. I wanted to leave at 9 to do my shopping, but Tom had to go put the toilet back together at TJ's. The little boys and I took a box of food over to TJ's and then did a little more cleaning. We went back home. I started the laundry and did the dishes while waiting for Tom. He had to return some lumber from the roof he just finished. 

Finally, we were driving to Key West. We were supposed to pick Naomi up from school at 11:30. We were 3 hours late and she left right before we got there. I felt so bad but there was no way to contact her. She doesn't have a phone. 

We went to Ross, Pier 1, and Home Depot. Tom stayed in the car on the phone for the first two stores, but went with me into Home Depot. He practically drools over the extension cords but hardly ever buys one. He hates how expensive they are.

I was hoping for a morning/ afternoon kind of date with shopping. But since we were so far behind it was rushed. We wanted to get home before TJ and Angelica rolled in from their long drive from California.

We stopped at Dairy Queen and then picked up Naomi, Aaron, and Ariel. TJ and Ang beat us home by just a few minutes. We stopped at our house, then went over to their apartment. We unloaded a few things and TJ left to go to the gig at Bistro 31.  Charlie and Ariel played with Jake and Callie and I helped Ang a little and we visited. 

After a few hours, Charlie and Jake started to fight and I was tired and ready to go home. Tom dropped us off and he went to the gig to help them break down. Ed never went to the gig. He was at the church all day working on the light show. He still has more to do tomorrow after the gig at Sunset Pier.

No supper tonight. I stayed up too late wrapping presents. After the gig, the big kids went over to see TJ and family. 

December 19, 2013


I got to bed too late Wednesday and couldn't write. Now I can hardly remember Wednesday, so I am skipping to Thursday.

I have been waking up early all week and I like it. I walked and the running part is up to 5 minutes. Since everyone else stays up so late and sleeps in, I went to Kim's studio to weave. (Oh, Wednesday I worked washing the wood ceiling at TJ's apartment. We also put up and decorated TJ and Angelica's Christmas tree. )

Anyways, I came home to the younger boys doing their schoolwork. I put Joe to folding laundry. I made coconut milk yogurt and two loaves of bread. I had Garrett roll out the loaves and he made them lumpy, but at least now we have bread.

I started cleaning out my pantry. I had it half empty and two shelves back together when Tom wanted me to go to TJ's apartment so he could grout the bathroom floor. It took too long and I helped by filling and dumping buckets of water. Tom couldn't find his sponges so I had to run to Winn Dixie to buy some. I also bought 2 watermelons for after hockey, but since I wasn't home to make supper, I had no idea what I was going to do for supper. 

We finally got home about 8
o'clock. I cut up the watermelons and made two big cans of baked beans. The boys came back from hockey and we ate. We watched the Sabres/Boston hockey game while I finished cleaning out the pantry. 

Tom fell asleep on the couch during the game. He finished a 3-day roofing job today. Ed has been working around the clock on the light show for our Christmas show. They have also been squeezing in some practices. We are busy, too busy. :0(

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17, 2013


I set my alarm for 7 this morning. So much to do. I went walking, made Charlie's oatmeal, and put Joe in charge. I was supposed to go shopping in Key West but plans got changed. I went to TJ and Angelica's apartment to clean a little more. Then Kim, Stevie, and I went to the studio. I threaded heddles while Kim wound the next wrap. We got it wound on the back beam. She will start weaving on it tomorrow. My friend, Helena, took the boys to gym class. 

I got home a little after four, the same time the kids got home, and relaxed for a little while. Then I went to Winn Dixie. I put groceries away, made the salad. Cut up 2 watermelon, and ordered the pizza. Bob went with me to pick it up. I bought 7.

We ate. I made the kids eat salad first before they could have pizza. By 10 o'clock I could barely keep my eyes open, so I went to bed.

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013

I hope I don't sound like a broken record, but I went walking today. It's kind of a big deal everyday because I don't always want to go.

I took Garrett and Tommy over to TJ and Ang's new apartment. Garrett, Doug, and Tommy washed ceilings while Kim and I washed kitchen cupboards. I cleaned two ceiling fans and there's one more left to do. Tom tiled the bathroom floor.

At 2:30 we hurried home to get ready for Sloppy Joe's. Garrett stayed to work longer with Doug. They painted one of the bedrooms white. It was orange. It will be ready for TJ and Ang to paint a color of their choice.

We left a half hour early for Sloppy's so Tom could meet a guy about future gigs, then picked up Aaron. Kurt met us at Sloppy's.

We had an exciting show. Rhonda Vincent and her husband were in the audience and stayed for our whole show, all three sets!! Also in the audience was John McEuen, who Rhonda recognized out on the sidewalk. He talked to us all in-between sets and bought our bluegrass cd. He said he'd play 1 or 2 songs on his radio show on Sirius Radio in January.

Charlie and I snuck to Duetto's for gelato and affogato while Rob played frisbee with the little kids. Ariel sang again with Ian. She even smiled!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013


I took the day off from walking. Went to church with Tommy and Charlie. Everyone else went earlier or just got ready for their gig. 

After church I made cookies for Charlie's fiddle concert. Charlie and I left for that at 2:30. The concert was supposed to be outside, and his teacher,  Melissa, had decorated so nicely, but it started to rain during the first child's song, so it was moved inside. 

All the kids did great. Charlie tried to hide behind other students most of the time. He's embarrassed. I hope he grows out of that quick.

Afterwards, the party was moved back outside. There were lots of goodies to eat and friends to visit with. There was a fire in the fire pit. The whole thing was set up in a garden.

When I was getting ready to leave, Georgina asked for a ride to Big Pine.  Her husband had accidentally taken the keys to her car when he left the recital so she couldn't drive her car home. I'm glad we could help.

When we got home, the boys were getting ready for hockey. When I tried going to Winn Dixie for watermelon, Ed's van wouldn't start, so I couldn't go. Luckily, I had quite a few clementines so I put them on the counter in a bowl. I made whole wheat pasta with corn, peas, carrots, and onions, and also made a salad. Most of the kids put teriyaki sauce on the pasta and veggies. They ate it all so it must have been good.

All the kids except Charlie and Ariel went to play laser tag. We watched hockey and the two little ones watched "The Grinch." I cleaned up the kitchen and was the first one to bed.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14, 2013

I talked myself into walking today, then hurried to Bealls looking for Christmas clothes for Tommy and Charlie. 

When I got home, I was starving. I don't usually leave in the morning without eating first. So I ate.

I went to a Celebration of Life at our church for a man who passed away about a week ago. A reminder to be thankful every day. Ben played guitar and Kim sang.

I did a load of laundry and had Garrett and Tommy do dishes. Garrett also did some math. I looked in all 4 bins of material in Nina's closet for my Christmas fabric and found nothing. I'm hoping I can leave early on Monday for Sloppy's and stop at Ben Franklin's (and Pier1). :0)

Nina's band played at Sunset Pier this afternoon. We left at 4 for Schooner Wharf and they met us there. Tonight was the lighted boat parade and a school steel drum band played before us. It was a fun night. Ariel sang with Ian for her second time. I walked to Duetto's for affagato. Yum!! The kids played till midnight. It will be 2 am when we get home. Tomorrow is another busy day. Charlie has his fiddle concert.

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013


I went out for my walk forgetting that Charlie's fiddle teacher was picking him up for his lesson before 9. So I called Tom and he woke Charlie up and got him ready.  All the other boys were slow getting up because they were up super late playing laser tag. 

I did school with Tommy and Garrett, then the two of them did dishes. Then we went to Schooner Wharf. Rob and Anastasia met us there. Ariel and I rode with Anastasia and we stopped at Publix.  Charlie, Ian, and Aaron rode with Rob in his truck. They went to buy a Christmas tree. 

We girls got home first and made the pizzas. Then the boys got home. Rob set up the tree. We ate pizza and the kids started hanging the ornaments. When they tired of it Anastasia and I finished the job. Then we all went back to Schooner Wharf.

Tonight was a big night for Ariel. She sang "In the Jungle" for the first time with Ian. She's been so shy and she is finally coming out of her shell.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013

I went for my walk. I am up to 4 minutes running now. The big kids went to the studio without doing chores, and then couldn't practice because there was a Christmas party going on. They came home and started to practice. Tom interrupted everyone saying that we were going to have company in 45 minutes. The house was so trashed! Ughhhhh!!!  We all worked hard and got things looking good. Turns out, our company never came in the house, but I felt better to be in an orderly house again.

Tommy and Charlie went to Shannon's house. I tried digging through fabric to make a skirt for Christmas but couldn't find what I was looking for. Then it was time for me to get groceries.

When I got home, the boys were starting to get ready for hockey. I started rice cooking and put groceries away. I cut up a watermelon, made homemade baked beans, and made a salad. We ate, watched hockey, and I was the first one to bed.


December 11, 2013


I slept late, till 9 o'clock, so I didn't go walking. I did dishes and laundry and school. 

I made mushroom/bean burgers again. I'll put the recipe up soon. Tom, Ed, Joe, Nina, and I ate at home. Everyone else ate supper at church. 

After church the big kids stayed to play laser tag. I came home and waited for them a long time, so we could watch "Home Alone." I made popcorn and they finally showed up about 10:30. I hate staying up so late, but it was fun.

Here's something new the kids are doing.