Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17, 2013


I set my alarm for 7 this morning. So much to do. I went walking, made Charlie's oatmeal, and put Joe in charge. I was supposed to go shopping in Key West but plans got changed. I went to TJ and Angelica's apartment to clean a little more. Then Kim, Stevie, and I went to the studio. I threaded heddles while Kim wound the next wrap. We got it wound on the back beam. She will start weaving on it tomorrow. My friend, Helena, took the boys to gym class. 

I got home a little after four, the same time the kids got home, and relaxed for a little while. Then I went to Winn Dixie. I put groceries away, made the salad. Cut up 2 watermelon, and ordered the pizza. Bob went with me to pick it up. I bought 7.

We ate. I made the kids eat salad first before they could have pizza. By 10 o'clock I could barely keep my eyes open, so I went to bed.

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