Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013

I went for my walk. I am up to 4 minutes running now. The big kids went to the studio without doing chores, and then couldn't practice because there was a Christmas party going on. They came home and started to practice. Tom interrupted everyone saying that we were going to have company in 45 minutes. The house was so trashed! Ughhhhh!!!  We all worked hard and got things looking good. Turns out, our company never came in the house, but I felt better to be in an orderly house again.

Tommy and Charlie went to Shannon's house. I tried digging through fabric to make a skirt for Christmas but couldn't find what I was looking for. Then it was time for me to get groceries.

When I got home, the boys were starting to get ready for hockey. I started rice cooking and put groceries away. I cut up a watermelon, made homemade baked beans, and made a salad. We ate, watched hockey, and I was the first one to bed.

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