Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 24, 2013


I went walking with Becky again. Then did the last of my Christmas shopping with Nina. We went to Walgreens and stopped at Winn Dixie. I made sugar cookies so we could decorate them on Christmas Day.  I made food to take to Sloppy's but forgot a fork so I had to eat it with my fingers on the drive there.

It was a fun night. Becky and family joined us. It was way more fun then the show the night before. I disappeared to pick up a few more presents on Duval. 

When we got home I made the dough for cinnamon rolls. I wrapped the last of the presents and filled the stockings while most of the kids played laser tag. I got to bed about 4:30 AM, just as the kids were coming in from laser tag. 

We got the bad news, that my sister-in-law's brother was killed in an accident. His car was hit by a train.

There were 23 people sleeping in our house.

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