Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 28, 2013


I went for my walk and really wanted to not run. The second time running around the park I wanted to quit but I finished. I'm not sure why it was so hard. I had two days off in a row and it was super humid out. Maybe that had something to do with it.

The band went to their gig at Sunset Pier. I tried to do laundry but didn't get much folded. I had Garrett help me in the living room, move furniture, and sweep. There were candy wrappers, garbage, wrapping paper, and shoes everywhere. I had hoped to clean the bathrooms too but it didn't happen.

I watched Jake for a little bit in the late morning. Then Angelica came over and picked up Jake and Charlie and took them to her house for lunch. She came back about 4 to drop them and Callie off so she could go to the second gig at the Hogfish. The kids were pretty good for me. 

I made a salad and some Cuban black beans for supper, and some rice with mixed veggies. Angelica had left me food for Jake and Callie and they ate. I let the kids watch a movie and I started hand sewing some lace that I crocheted quite a while ago to a sheet. 

Rob stopped in with a dozen donuts to see the kids. He stayed for a little and then had to go home. Callie fell asleep on the couch about 9 o'clock and I started getting tired. We turned off the movie and I read a Star Wars book to Charlie before bed.

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