Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

Happy birthday to me! I took the day off walking, only because we had to leave at 10 AM for the mainland and I had to get people moving. 

Since we aimed to leave at 10, we left at 11. Eddy was trying to print our hockey tickets but it took all 3 printers to do the job. The first one printed a line down thru the barcode. The second one ran out of ink, and the third and last one finally worked.

There were 19 of us who went in two vehicles. When I got in the van, I was serenaded by the Doerfel bagpipe band, a very nasally rendition of Happy Birthday, complete with the drone. Thanks guys! The first stop was at Krispy Kreme, 2 hours from our home. Back on the road for 1 1/2 hours to the Sawgrass Mall. We all had a blast. I hadn't been to a mall in three years. I didn't buy anything but pretzels for the kids. Tom bought me 2 pairs of shorts and two tanks for running. What's he trying to tell me? :0)

Then we walked to the BB&T Center for the Panthers' hockey game. Gale and Kelly, and John T. met us there. Afterwards, we walked back over to the mall to go to Cheesecake Factory. My favorite is Spicy pasta and chipotle chicken. This time I got peanut butter chocolate cheesecake but my favorite is still the plain cheesecake. We got food to go because we had a long drive home. I shared my food with Tom, had to spoon feed him while he drove.

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