Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21, 2013


Today was going to be a super busy day so I decided to take today off from walking and go tomorrow instead. Tom wanted me to go with him to the gig at Sunset Pier so I planned on going. The band had to get up a little early to play on BizBaz on US1 Radio. Poor Ed forgot his mandolin in the rush. TJ called and asked if I could watch the kids so while Angelica went grocery shopping, so I stayed home to do that. (I didn't really want to go with so much to do at home). 

Jake and Callie were super good. I had a lot to do to get ready for Tom's sister's family coming to visit. I changed sheets and cleaned the girls' room, where they would be staying. I did laundry, did dishes, wrapped a present, cleaned off my desk. (I threw it all in a drawer).

I took a bunch of rolled up packing paper to Kim's studio. She uses it to roll the yarn onto the back beam. It helps the tension to stay even. Then I stopped at TJ's to drop off some mail and just say hi. Went back home. 

Becky and family arrived. She brought sponge candy so we all ate some. I ate too much. :0/ I always do that. :0( Anyways, after visiting for a while, the kids headed to dress rehearsal, I headed to CVS, then Winn Dixie, stopped at the church to check out dress rehearsal. Excitement is in the air. Went back home and poor me had to carry all the groceries up the stairs by myself. I put it all away and then sat on the porch in my hammock chair in the moonlight and breeze. 

Now I have to tell the kids no laser tag tonight. It's midnight and tomorrow's a big day. They can play tomorrow night.

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