Friday, December 27, 2013

December 26, 2013


Our house was crazy in the morning. TJ and Angelica came by to drop of the kids and pick up Nina and Ben for their gig at Blue Heaven. I was going to go with them but decided to go on Friday instead. I watched Jake and Callie until others were up to watch them. Then I went walking/running for an hour. They were really good today.

I transplanted some lettuce plants that I started a few weeks ago. I hope they don't all die.

We left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf. TJ and Ben drove Ed's van there and I drove it home later. It was us, Becky's group, Newtons, and Seth and Jim. Key West is really busy right now. 

I left the gig halfway through with Becky, Dan, Jim, and the younger boys. Everyone is so tired. We have been going every day for days, all day long. We usually have Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays off, but not this week or next week. There's also many days with double headers.

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