Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013


Went for my walk and had to force myself to run two laps. It's been partly cloudy, gray, and rainy since Christmas day. I need more sunshine. 

Next, I went to Winn Dixie for some snacks for our little New Year's Eve party after our gig tonight. After I put the groceries away, I fixed a strap on the dress I wanted to wear. I was going to try to finish sewing the crocheted lace to my sheet but all I did was carry it to the kitchen.

I showed Becky and Erin how to make coconut milk yogurt. Tom went to TJ's to fix his toilet. I sent raspberry hot pepper jelly, cream cheese, and crackers with him as a New Year's Eve present for Kim. Joe and I ate leftover salad and mushroom veggie burgers for lunch.

Them we got ready to leave for Schooner Wharf. Ed and Ben had left earlier. They had a lighting and sound gig to set up, that would take place after our Schooner Wharf gig. When we started pulling out of the driveway Tom heard a noise and thought we were running over some styrofoam with the trailer. He got out to look at it. It was a box of screws. Tj picked them all up. we don't know how they got there. We thought that we would now have a flat tire and we were running out of time to get to work on time. Tom kept an eye on the tire and we didn't have any trouble with it.

Schooner went well. There was a great crowd. Key West was extra busy, since it was New Year's Eve. Zona was our waitress, and Jason stopped by our table to say hello. Turtle and Billy were also working tonight. 

At the end of the gig Ed, Ben, and Nina went to the lighting gig at Sunset Pier. Kurt and Erin went to Cara's house. The rest of us went home, by way of Big Pine Winn Dixie. Tom wanted ice cream. 

Once home, we put out all the munchies. We turned the projector on about 2 minutes before the ball dropped, then turned it off. The kids went out to play glo-in-the-dark frisbee in the street in front of our house. After a while some crazy lady walked by yelling at the kids, practically falling over. The kids didn't say anything to her and she kept on walking by.

Becky cleaned up the snacks. Then the little ones got ready for bed. 

I'm tired. Looking forward to sleep.

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