Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

I woke up with a headache this morning, and Tom said his neck felt like it was broken. It's ok when he goes to bed, but not ok when he wakes up.

I went for my walk. Bumped my run up to 3 minutes. We had to start school today. We all really enjoyed the week off, I think me the most. :0)

Ed went to Key West for a doctor's appointment, and Ben went to Key West to work on a guitar or sound board or something like that. I had the boys start their school work and Joe, Garrett, Charlie, and I took a ride over to Kim's to drop some things off at TJ and Ang's apartment. Then we stopped at Walgreens and the bank.

We did school till it was time to leave for our gig. I made steamed kale, sweet potatoes, and wild rice to eat on the way to Sloppy's. The kids all ordered food there.

I hemmed 3/4 of the dress I'm working on during the show. I took the younger kids to Duetto's for gelato and got my favorite, tiramisu gelato with expresso poured over the top.

The boys have two friends coming over tonight, River and Tiger.  They were our special guests during our show tonight. They sang "Carry on my Wayward Son." The crowd loved them. But, I know that they will all be too loud when we get home, and it will be hard getting them all quiet and to bed. And hard to do school tomorrow. I will ask Ed to take them to the studio. :0)

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