Monday, December 30, 2013

December 29, 2013


I woke up to a dreary, gray sky. I went walking and walked two laps and ran one, then started for home. It started sprinkling just as I got home. I woke up Tommy, Charlie, and Joe for church. Nina and Ben went to an earlier service so they could get to their gig on time. Ed spent the morning packing the van for Nina's gig.

After church I went to Walgreens, then home. I ate leftover salad. I hung out in my room for a while reading. The day was dreary and rainy, so the boys decided not to play hockey. I went to Winn Dixie and bought salad fixings and some fruit. I ordered 6 pizzas, went home, made the salad, and did some dishes. Tom went with me to pick up the pizzas.  

I was really tired. After we ate (8:30ish) I put away leftovers and went to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep, and the kids had some friends over and they were loud. I kept waking up and slept horrible.

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