Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

Made some boys eat breakfast that don't care to eat breakfast.

The kids did chores, but the older ones had a meeting to get to and Nina didn't have time to finish the dishes and Ed didn't have time to even start picking up the living room. Clutter makes me crabby, and the living room is really cluttered right now. It doesn't seem to bother anyone but me.

We did school. Charlie finished all his work, but Tommy and Garrett didn't. There just isn't enough time in my days. I can tell we are going to have to finish up in the summer. 

Tommy and Charlie went to art class at the park at 3. I finished the hem on a baby dress and pulled out my sewing machine. I attached the skirt and made buttonholes in three of the four dresses. 

Ed made tofu and I added leftover steamed broccoli from last night so I had a good supper. Then we went to church. The younger boys leave for church 1/2 hour early so they can help serve food. I rode with Tom on his motorcycle for the first time. I'm a scaredy cat. I'd rather ride in a car.

After church, Ed brought me home. I cleared off the table and did the dishes. Tommy and Garrett helped. Ben took Nina to KW for a meeting and to pick up friends that are going with us to the hockey game tomorrow. We have 5 extra kids sleeping over tonight. 

I put together some notions for my next baby dress, to take with me on our drive tomorrow. I'm really not looking forward to the long drive, 3 1/2 hours there and then the same on the way back.

Tomorrow is my birthday; I was born in 1965. :0)


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL and that is a beautiful dress. you should be very proud

  2. how lovely...just brings back great memories...
