Friday, December 27, 2013

December 25, 2013


I slept about 3 hours, got up, and finished making the cinnamon rolls. We have to wake our kids up on Christmas mornings. We ended up with 36 people at our house. Kurt's friend Luke is really loud so I had him be the master of ceremonies. He handed out presents. 

So, here's a list of all those at our house: me, Tom, TJ, Angelica, Jake, Callie, Kim, Doug, Stevie, Bob, Shannon, Ailsa, Ed, Nina, Naomi, Aaron, Ian, Ariel, Joe, Ben, Kurt, Luke, Cara, Jules, Garrett, Jonathan, Tommy, Charlie, Becky, Dan, Alex, Erin, and Seth.

Kim brought over yummy breakfast casseroles and I made turkey bacon. I only buy bacon for Christmas.

At 5 o'clock some of our friends went home and the rest of us went to Rob's for supper. I made some cookies the day before, and Becky decorated them all morning. They were melted snowmen cookies. I also made peanut butter cookies. We took them all to Rob's house.

He fed us seafood pasta with baby squid in it. Imagine that. :0) It was a fun night and a good day.

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