Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013


I took the day off from walking. Went to church with Tommy and Charlie. Everyone else went earlier or just got ready for their gig. 

After church I made cookies for Charlie's fiddle concert. Charlie and I left for that at 2:30. The concert was supposed to be outside, and his teacher,  Melissa, had decorated so nicely, but it started to rain during the first child's song, so it was moved inside. 

All the kids did great. Charlie tried to hide behind other students most of the time. He's embarrassed. I hope he grows out of that quick.

Afterwards, the party was moved back outside. There were lots of goodies to eat and friends to visit with. There was a fire in the fire pit. The whole thing was set up in a garden.

When I was getting ready to leave, Georgina asked for a ride to Big Pine.  Her husband had accidentally taken the keys to her car when he left the recital so she couldn't drive her car home. I'm glad we could help.

When we got home, the boys were getting ready for hockey. When I tried going to Winn Dixie for watermelon, Ed's van wouldn't start, so I couldn't go. Luckily, I had quite a few clementines so I put them on the counter in a bowl. I made whole wheat pasta with corn, peas, carrots, and onions, and also made a salad. Most of the kids put teriyaki sauce on the pasta and veggies. They ate it all so it must have been good.

All the kids except Charlie and Ariel went to play laser tag. We watched hockey and the two little ones watched "The Grinch." I cleaned up the kitchen and was the first one to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie was brave! So proud of him and now its over....until the spring party/recital. shhhhh don't tell him.
