Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 10, 2013

I went out for my walk. I let everyone sleep in extra since we were out so late last night. 

We did school. The big kids went to the studio to practice Christmas songs. We left at 5 for our gig in Marathon. We played at Kirk of the Keys Church. The church had the prettiest entryway, an arbor with purple flowering vines. It was so pretty. I want one. :0( There was a great crowd and everyone was so kind to us.

We left there at 9:30 and picked up 5 stuffed crust pizzas from Pizza Hut. That's the favorite around here, but we don't get them often. They are too expensive.

We hurried home to eat with Rob. He probably waited an hour for us to get home. 

They all watched hockey but I was too tired and went to bed. Today a new Switchfoot movie came out. That's the boys' favorite group, so they had to watch it. 

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