Monday, December 9, 2013

December 8, 2013

I slept horrible. Woke up too many times. My shoulder and my legs were hurting. I got up sometime between 4 and 5. Since I was up so early, I decided to go for my walk. I was going to take the day off. 

Went to church. Ed, Ben, and Nina went to KW after church to set up lights. Ed and Ben got hired to do lights for a band at Sunset Pier Sunday and Monday night. 

After church Tom, Charlie, and I went to Byron and Ida's for a swim and to visit. The water was super cold. I didn't make it all the way in. Tom and Charlie didn't get in at all.

When we got home, I started getting things ready for supper. The boys went to hockey. I went to Winn Dixie for watermelon, raspberries, and bananas. Supper was easy. The church gave me leftovers again so I just heated them up in the oven.  Is de a healthy Waldorf salad for me and mixed in chickpeas. 

The boys came back. We ate. I talked myself out of making cookies. I can save that for Christmas. I made baked pears instead. I did the dishes and by 10:30 I was tired. Went to bed. I wrote my blog for Saturday but was too tired and deleted it by accident.

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