Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20,2013


Went for my walk. I wanted to leave at 9 to do my shopping, but Tom had to go put the toilet back together at TJ's. The little boys and I took a box of food over to TJ's and then did a little more cleaning. We went back home. I started the laundry and did the dishes while waiting for Tom. He had to return some lumber from the roof he just finished. 

Finally, we were driving to Key West. We were supposed to pick Naomi up from school at 11:30. We were 3 hours late and she left right before we got there. I felt so bad but there was no way to contact her. She doesn't have a phone. 

We went to Ross, Pier 1, and Home Depot. Tom stayed in the car on the phone for the first two stores, but went with me into Home Depot. He practically drools over the extension cords but hardly ever buys one. He hates how expensive they are.

I was hoping for a morning/ afternoon kind of date with shopping. But since we were so far behind it was rushed. We wanted to get home before TJ and Angelica rolled in from their long drive from California.

We stopped at Dairy Queen and then picked up Naomi, Aaron, and Ariel. TJ and Ang beat us home by just a few minutes. We stopped at our house, then went over to their apartment. We unloaded a few things and TJ left to go to the gig at Bistro 31.  Charlie and Ariel played with Jake and Callie and I helped Ang a little and we visited. 

After a few hours, Charlie and Jake started to fight and I was tired and ready to go home. Tom dropped us off and he went to the gig to help them break down. Ed never went to the gig. He was at the church all day working on the light show. He still has more to do tomorrow after the gig at Sunset Pier.

No supper tonight. I stayed up too late wrapping presents. After the gig, the big kids went over to see TJ and family. 

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