Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013


I went out for my walk forgetting that Charlie's fiddle teacher was picking him up for his lesson before 9. So I called Tom and he woke Charlie up and got him ready.  All the other boys were slow getting up because they were up super late playing laser tag. 

I did school with Tommy and Garrett, then the two of them did dishes. Then we went to Schooner Wharf. Rob and Anastasia met us there. Ariel and I rode with Anastasia and we stopped at Publix.  Charlie, Ian, and Aaron rode with Rob in his truck. They went to buy a Christmas tree. 

We girls got home first and made the pizzas. Then the boys got home. Rob set up the tree. We ate pizza and the kids started hanging the ornaments. When they tired of it Anastasia and I finished the job. Then we all went back to Schooner Wharf.

Tonight was a big night for Ariel. She sang "In the Jungle" for the first time with Ian. She's been so shy and she is finally coming out of her shell.

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