Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013

I went for my walk, then went back to Winn Dixie for fruit. All my prodding couldn't get the kids moving to get any schoolwork done. We had to leave at 12:30 for gym class, but before we left I got a call from Shannon. She was sick and needed a ride home. So I picked her up and took her home. Then we went to gym class, and the big kids went to the studio to practice Christmas songs. I dropped off the kids and went to Home Depot. I bought two new garbage cans. I've been asking Tom for some new ones for about 6 months, but he never got to it.  

When we got home I went to my Tai Chi class. I was the only one there again today. When I got home from that I made a pumpkin dessert, spaghetti, a salad, and cut up a watermelon. I cleaned most of it up but got too tired. Garrett will have to do it.

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