Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 23, 2013


Woke up early and went walking with Becky. I am now running 8 minutes, twice around our park. Becky and Dan went to the beach. I made pancakes for everyone. We had 16 people at our house last night. 

I went grocery shopping for fruit. Sometimes I shop by category, or breakfast food, lunch food, etc. Tom and I went to TJ's so he could fix one more thing on their bathroom sink. On our way there we stopped at a hardware store and 2 other stores in the plaza for a few xmas presents. When we got to TJ's, I did their dishes. As we were leaving, they got home from buying a used washer and dryer. Tom helped unload them and hook them up. Unfortunately, the belt was broke on the dryer. Grrrrr. 

When we got home, Alex and Joe were putting the big boys' Christmas present together, a ping pong table. Our friend, Jim S., arrived from Ohio with his grandson, Seth, who spent the night. 

I made a salad, teriyaki chickpeas, and cut up 3 little watermelon. Packed some of it for Ed, Tom, and I to eat on the way to Sloppy's. Ed and Ben left early to start setting up lights for the show. The rest of us left at 3:30. 

We had a lot going on at Sloppy's. It was TJ's first time back there. Kim played the first set and Doug and baby Stevie were there. And Angelica, Jake, and Callie were there too. Callie was soooo cute playing her fiddle with Auntie Kim, and Jake rocking out on his guitar. 

During our first break, Ed and Ben set up the lights. It took too long and things just  didn't go as planned. The band was frustrated.  They decided not to set up the lights for Tuesday's show. 

When we got home the boys watched hockey. I went straight to bed.

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