Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13, 2013


I went to Kim's studio this morning and finished threading my heddles. Then Kim and I met Doug and Joe for lunch. 

I got home to a crazy house. So I put mine and Charlie's swim suits in a back pack and snuck out to go swimming. I would have liked to take everyone, but they were fighting and arguing and they would have kept it up at Ida's. I needed some peace and relaxation .

On our way home we stopped at Walgreens and picked up Joe's prescription. At home, the little ones were still bouncing off the walls. Nina took the littlest ones outside to the swing and I had the other ones pick up the living room. I made pizza dough and did the dishes. Tom and all the kids went to the park to play hockey. TJ and Ang went out on a date and Nina babysat.  

I made a salad and homemade baked beans, finished the veggie pizza, and cut up watermelon. I also put out a giant bowl of grapes and ordered 4 pizzas. We ended up with 10 extra kids here, and somehow there was enough food.

 Feeling a little like the old woman in the shoe. :0)

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