Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 3, 2013


I got the band off a little late for their first gig at Sunset Pier. I did some chores while the younger boys kept fighting, and then I gave them some chores. Joe had a glitch/twitch for a second at the gig and dropped his stand-up bass. It fell off the stage and half the back came off. Joe was OK. That put a dark spot on the day. 

I couldn't decide what to do. I finally called Ida and we went swimming. Garrett didn't  want to go but I made him. I'm glad we went.

On the way home we stopped at Winn Dixie and bought some subs for a treat. I watered my plants on the porch. Tom called and asked me to take the RV keys down to someone who wanted to look at it so I did. 

While I was doing my nails Kim texted and invited me over to the studio. She  had time to show me how to use the table loom. Tom said I didn't have to go to the night gig so I went to Kim's. That was fun. I want to try making some lacy, lightweight scarves. I helped Kim move the furniture around in the studio.

I left there and stopped at Winn Dixie again for spaghetti fixins'. When I got home, 9 o'clockish, I realized I had bought spinach noodles by mistake. I thought they would taste weird but the spaghetti was even better. There's even 9 grams of protein in a serving. 

There were 4 of my kids and 3 friends over when I got home. I was picturing a quiet evening with just 3 boys, but I had a good night. I made supper and did the dishes. The kids played video games and played tag in the house. I crocheted a little and then read "Captain Underpants." I got them to bed about 1 AM.

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