Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013


I got up at 7:30, drank my water, and made coffee. I did my devos and went walking. I woke up Joe and gave him his yogurt. Showered and ate my granola and fruit. Then at 10:30 I went to Kim's studio to work on my scarf. I finally started weaving today. There is 1 threading error but it doesn't bother me a bit. Adds interest I say. :0)

At 12:30 I had to move along and go to Winn Dixie for produce and fruit. Then I stopped at Walgreens for notebooks. When I got home I had about five minutes to sit and drink some water, then had to start food prep. 

I made my curry chicken salad (with chickpeas instead of chicken) and my coconut yogurt instead of mayo. Yum!! I had to chop up more salad greens and cucumbers. Fed Joe some of it. Tommy and Charlie had chicken noodle soup. I packed salads and chickpea salad for Ed, Tom, and I. 

We left at 3:40 for Sloppy's. It was a good night. I took the boys for gelato. Garrett bought a longboard. Jake came with us to the show. Charlie was a bit naughty, complaining and whining. I was tired by the last set. 

We stopped at Winn Dixie on our way home. When we got home at 11, Joe, Charlie, and I had some banana bread. The boys played with Lego for
a little bit and I sent them to bed. 

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