Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

After devos, I went for my walk. That's the normal routine, unless I come up with an excuse not to walk. The rest of our school books came this morning. That was exciting. 

After I ate my granola I taught Garrett how to make bread. I'm thinking that I won't have as much time to get things done once school starts, and I'll need some help. Delegate. That's my motto. Next I'll teach someone how to make yogurt, that will be Joe. And someone needs to start making the salads, hmmm.... I wonder if I could get Kurt to do that.

I put the books in their proper places on the shelves and did some bookkeeping, and before I knew it, it was time to pack my supper to eat on the way to Sloppy's.

I took some video of our grandson, Jake (3), TJ's boy, at our gig tonight. Here's the link:

He was rockin' up a storm.

When we got home at 11 PM, I spent an hour on the computer looking up embroidery stuff for crazy quilting. I'm not interested in a whole quilt, just a wild 6 to 8 inch block. I took my embroidery to Sloppy's tonight but it's just too dark in there.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I refilled the peanut butter jars, and I showed Garrett how to do it. I took a picture.

It was just after midnight when I had the little boys get ready for bed. It was too late to read to Charlie so I told him we could read after breakfast. He asked if after "Captain Underpants" we could read "She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain." That's one of my favorites. I also like "Sweet Betsy from Pike."

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