Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013


Tom dropped Ang and I at Kim's studio while on his way to work. I wound my warp, 156 yards, and then threaded it through the reed. I am going to weave a scarf. Not a warm one, but a lacy, pretty one. Ang wove on a baby wrap. It was a fun time and was over too soon.  Doug took us home and it was pouring. It was sunny when we went over but there are no windows in the studio so we were surprised.

I made lunch for me and Tommy and oatmeal for poor Charlie. No one fed him breakfast while i was gone. The granola was almost gone so I made more granola, and I ground wheat berries into flour so I can make bread tomorrow. Next, I made 1/2 a batch of pizza dough and set it aside to rise. 

I finally got to work in my room a few minutes. I have some new drawers to put stuff in and I got started. They are for my crafts. I put embroidery floss in one drawer and made it through some baggies with needles and crochet hooks in them. Found my seam rippers. I had some stuff spread around on my bed but got interrupted. 

I put the pizza together. This one was vegan with pizza sauce, nutritional yeast, and broiled vegetables left over from lunch. I added mushrooms, garlic, and basil. While that was rising I started the mountain of dirty dishes. The big kids were at the studio all day and didn't see the importance of getting chores done before they left. I wasn't home at the time.

Tonight was hockey night in Big Pine so the boys all went to play.  I ordered two pizzas for the other boys and made a salad. I also cut up a watermelon and cooked the pizza. Then they all came home and ate. I cleaned that up by 10 PM and the big boys went back to the studio. I went to my room and vedged in my chair for a few minutes before reading to Charlie.

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