Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013


I made myself go walking even though it was super hot out. After I showered, the boys had their phone call from the evaluator for home schooling. It went well. It was our first time doing that.

Tom had to work in Key West and Joe had a dentist appointment, so Tom took Joe and Aaron and dropped them off at the dentist's. I had to go to Winn Dixie and buy fruit. We were out. I bought 18 apples for $24. That just seems crazy. A lot of Doerfels eat a lot of apples.

When I got home I made a double batch of coconut milk yogurt and coconut black beans. The kids did a few chores. Nina got the best helper award. She even moved the living room furniture and swept under it. Wow!!

Ben hurried to Dean's to pick up Joe's bass. Dean fixed it after the fall from the stage on Saturday. I packed mine and Tom's supper and we loaded into the van. 

Joe, Aaron, and Tom met us at Sloppy's. Rob invited me across the street for a taco and we split a piece of key lime pie. I sat at the cd table most of the night and crocheted.

When we got home I pulled out some piano music and played for a few minutes. Then I had to crack the whip and get boys to bed.

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