Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 14, 2013

I had to get moving this morning. We went to the culvert on Middle Torch with the home schoolers. It's a spot on the Gulf side where pipes go under the road, and the water shoots you through the pipes. The kids had a blast, and only Tommy got a sunburned face. He wouldn't let me put sunscreen on him. Anyways, I took Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel. They all did it. Not me, though. I was chicken. The pipes weren't filled with water. Your head could stay out of the water and you could see through to the other side.

Afterwards, we all went to one of the families house. We all ate. The moms chatted and the kids played. I almost didn't go but went at the last second. I'm glad I went.

We went to church for dinner and Bible study. After church, Ed took the Newtons home and spent the night. I sat out in my hammock chair for a while, then read to Charlie. I woke up during the night because it was pouring. Then I had a hard time falling back asleep.

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