Saturday, August 24, 2013

August 24, 2013

This morning i took the younger boys to a beach baptism at Bahia Honda. I'm so glad we went. I didn't go to the beach once all summer and today was my chance. Kim was there playing her fiddle. The band and Tom went to a gig in KW.

When it was time to leave the beach, I left Charlie with friends who stayed longer, and took the other boys home. I showered and then met Tommy's friend's mom halfway so he could go to his friend's house. On my way home I stopped at Walgreens. I bought a few more school supplies and purple nail polish. :0)

Once home, I made myself some food, teriyaki chickpeas with pineapple on steamed kale. I wasn't crazy about the kale, but I ate it. It wasn't so bad after the first 3 or 4 bites. It was bitter though.

Angelica came up with the kids and worked on a sleeve of the smocked dress she is trying to finish. I did some hand sewing, finishing touches on a present for a baby shower I'm going to tomorrow. 

At 5:00 I left for Hogfish. I had to bring an acoustic guitar that had been forgotten. It was a fun night. Rob and Anastasia came. The band was really rockin'. I got some good pics. I even managed to do a few French knots on my embroidery. The only bad thing that happened was I ordered fish tacos and Kurt ate my food. He ordered a burger, so I ended up eating his burger. I hope it doesn't make me feel sick. I haven't eaten a burger in about a year. It did taste good though. The food at Hogfish is lush.

When the gig was over Tom and I left in his car and picked up Tommy. No reading tonight. I'm tired. That was a long but good day.

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