Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013

I didn't set my alarm last night. I knew I needed to slow down a little after pushing hard all week. I was going to go to Blue Heaven with TJ, Ang, Ed, and Nina, but before I went to bed last night I decided not to go. It was just too crazy.  

So this morning I slept in and went walking late. Charlie was up so he went with me. I pushed him in the stroller. 

We did school from 12-5. I made granola and scraped together leftovers for supper. It wasn't really what I had in mind. Tonight was a rare Friday night with no gig. I was hoping for a date but Tom didn't want to go anywhere. When we were first dating I invited him to my senior prom. He wouldn't take me so I went with my old boyfriend. That was a disappointment and so was tonight. 

A friend stopped by and gave us The movie "The Incredibles," so we watched it. TJ brought the kids up because Ang wasn't feeling well and they watched too. I did some needle tatting while while watching the movie.

I made a 'to do' list for tomorrow and hit the hay. That's from my farm girl days in East Eden. I can smell the hay drying in the sun. They can probably smell the grapes in the air there now too.

Here's an example of Charlie's school work today. :0)

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