Friday, August 16, 2013

August 15, 2013

I went walking and then had to go to Winn Dixie to buy milk for my granola. Joe went with me and we bought a few more things. I had to take the 15 passenger van and I don't like taking that to WD because it's sometimes hard to park. It does not fit in a space.

I feel like I spent the whole day in the kitchen, other than moving the laundry. I made yogurt and ground wheat berries to make bread tomorrow. I cooked chickpeas and marinated them, then cooked them with mango, pineapple, and red onion. I made a giant salad and cut up a watermelon, and made brown rice.The boys really like watermelon after hockey. 

Rob came up for hockey and I got to do a little embroidery after supper. I had Garrett do dishes, read to Charlie through my eyelids, and went to bed.

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