Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4, 2013


Went to church. Came home and crocheted on my starfish dishcloth. I finished it! Then I took my spinning wheel and some fiber over to Kim's house. She helped me put a new driveband on my spinning wheel. Then I used her drum carder and finished carding my yellow wool. Then we started planning my scarf pattern that I will start weaving the next time I get to Kim's studio.

When I got home, all the boys were at hockey, some in Key West and some in Big Pine. I made supper, zucchini curry soup, homemade baked beans, and a salad. Afterwards, I was too tired to clean up so I had Garrett do it. 

I spun a little at the spinning wheel, and then I finished the day by looking at a crazy quilt book and reading to Charlie.

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