Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29, 2013


This morning Tom dropped Joe and I off at the hospital in Key West for Joe's EEG. It went faster than I thought. I hope the doctor learns something from it because it was very expensive. I guess they want us to feel thankful, they gave us a 65% discount since Joe has no insurance. It was still way to expensive.  Joe still has had no seizures or glitches (jerks) since he started the meds 2 weeks ago. Yeah!

We came home afterwards and I had the kids do all their independent work while I made coconut milk yogurt and ground wheat berries for tomorrow's bread making. Garrett's friend Jonathan helped with the dishes. Ed made a salad and I made coconut black beans to eat on the ride to Sloppy Joes. 

We dropped off the trailer and the kids at the gig and drove to CW Colt's  to return his keyboard, then went back to Sloppy's. Sharlyn sang two songs with the band. She did great.

Rob came and we got away for a few minutes to eat tacos. Aaron and Tommy took Sharlyn to Mallory Square. She leaves tomorrow morning. :0(

I forgot to mention that Kurt forgot his cymbals and had to borrow some. Thank you Drummer Dave. So Kurt missed most of the first set. Tom also forgot things: his wallet, iPad, and the cd change. 

We stopped at Winn Dixie for Popsicles for you know who and munches for the rest of them. When we got home at 11,  I let the little boys play video games for half an hour. I watered my plants and started dishes. I had Garrett finish them. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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