Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 20, 2013


I walked this morning. I had debated when to start school and thought of starting today, but I also wanted to weave over at Kim's. TJ and Ang decided to take the boys to a water park and that worked out perfect for me. Then I could start school tomorrow. 

Before I could leave for Kim's, TJ called to say that the water park was closed until Thursday. That made us all sad. Joe and I went over to Kim's and TJ and Ang were trying to figure out what to do instead.

I wove for about two hours and then we came home. I made lunch and then then made a new batch of yogurt. I had told Alice, Kim's mother-law, that I wanted to go to the Tai Chi class at church but was chicken to go alone and she said she'd go with me. So after the yogurt was done I got ready to go and she picked me up. 

The class was great and I loved it. I can't wait to go again next week, but I've forgotten pretty much everything we did. Next time I will video it so I can practice.

The rest of my evening I was stuck in the kitchen. I made whole wheat pizza dough, ordered 4 pizzas, cut up veggies for the healthy pizza, made a salad, and cut up a cantaloupe. TJ picked up my produce for me so I had to put it all away. 

The boys played hockey, came home, and ate. Rob and Anastasia drove up. Anastasia brought her wedding dress. I'm going to do a few alterations.

I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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