Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013


This morning I walked in the rain. Ed, Ben, and Nina went to the airport to pick up a friend. Kurt was still in KW. Tom went to work in the other direction, Key Largo. We did a few chores, and joe helped me change some light bulbs that had gone out.

We did school for 4 hours, till we needed to get ready to go to Sloppy's. I had packed dinner from the leftovers last night, so that helped. I made hummus so we would have a snack when we got home tonight.

We had a bit of a crisis when it was time to leave. Ben took the GMC to the airport, and it had the ball on it to tow our trailer. I think Tom tried the neighbors for help, and we were finally able to tow it with TJ's truck and Joe and I took dad's car.

Sloppy's was very slow the first two sets. Charlie was pretty naughty. Not listening and starting fights with Jake. They wore me out. Tom suggested I leave early, and I was going to, but Ben wanted them to stay and sing, so we stayed. 

We got home at 11, ate our snack of hummus, carrots, and crackers. I gave them an hour to vedge and sent them to bed at midnight.

I cleaned my bathroom and watered my plants in the bathroom. I have an African violet that has bloomed continually for two years. That's the one in the pic. I have another one that hasn't bloomed since I got it.

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