Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1, 2014


Quiet time.
Hot tub and coffee. 

The older boys went to the studio and recorded all day. 

Dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson. Went home and did yesterday's and this morning's dishes while Garrett and Tommy did history. Picked Charlie up and took the three boys to gym class. Enjoyed the comfortable weather and took care of some school prep for next year. Visited with Helena a little. :0)

After we got home, I made a quick lunch and told the boys what schoolwork to get done. I went to Tai Chi. Came home. TJ dropped off the kids and he and Ang went to their gig at Springer's. 

I tried a new vegan cheese recipe made with nutritional yeast and made lasagna. I didn't think it was going to taste good, but it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. 

Rob came up and the gang went to the park. I went to Winn Dixie for fruit, salad fixings, and spaghetti sauce, in case no one liked the lasagna. 

I made the spaghetti and the salad. They all came home and we ate. I even made garlic bread. That's a big hit. They ate all the lasagna and all the bread. Did dishes again. Ate a few chocolate covered pretzels and had a cup of decaf coffee. Moved the laundry along, shooed the younger boys to bed. The older ones went back to the studio to keep recording. 

I'm an hour late getting to bed. :0(

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