Monday, April 21, 2014

April 20, 2014


The band had to be at church at 7 am. I woke up at 8. We took Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel over to church at 10:45. I ate oatmeal at home and treated myself with breakfast at church. We couldn't do Easter baskets before church since the big kids had to leave so early. 

The service was great. Different with a lot of activity, a lot of people up and down, walking around. The kids played in the worship band. After church there was a ham dinner. The line went out the door and into the parking lot. There were so many people.

The line was so long I didn't get food. I wasn't hungry anyway since I ate breakfast twice. Then we did a concert. I helped Ang watch Jake and Callie. Our pew was a mess! :0)

We made it home around 2 o'clock I think. I put the Easter bags together yesterday. Nina, Cody, and Jonathan helped me put candy in plastic eggs for the little kids to hunt. We had the little ones hide out in the boys room while we hid the eggs and the 3 littlest ones' baskets. I didn't use baskets. We used Easter bags. I have no room to store them. Easter gift bags fold up and don't take up much room. 

Rob and Anastasia came up. We had fun with some little plastic bunnies on springs that you pushed down on the table and waited for them to pop up. When they popped up the little kids tried to catch them in a basket. Callie loved them.

Some of the boys went to KW. Everyone else went to the park to play hockey. I did the dishes, went to Winn Dixie, and picked up some things for supper. I came home and made mushroom burgers and salad. I cut up a watermelon. They all came back from the park and ate. TJ brought Angelica over and it was fun hanging out. Grandma Fran and Grandpa Gary were at our house all day too.

Got to bed nice and late again.

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