Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 21, 2014


I had the boys do chores this morning. Some slept till noon. The living room and the carport were really bad so we concentrated on them. 

My mom and dad came over and mom helped me recover the bottom cushion of my chaise lounge. We cut out the fabric and had it almost sewn together but had to leave for Sloppy Joes. We had all of us, Doug Yeomans, and my mom and dad in the van. 

Sloppy's was busy all night. I took the kids to Duetto's. I got take out food from the Cafe on our way home, Unwing Dings and a veggie burger.  Super tired. When we got home Doug and Ben picked together for a while so I stayed up to listen but finally had to go to bed.

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