Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014


I woke up with a scratchy throat and had a slight cough all day. I was going to have a friend take the boys to gym class today so I could slow down a little, but I had commitments for one more day. Our guest, Doug, left this morning. TJ dropped off the kids and he and Ang went to their gig at Blue Heaven. Bobby came over. I had told him that I would go to DMV with him to get a FL driver's license. Mom and dad came over just before we left. So mom finished the sewing on my cushion. 

I dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson and took Bob for his license. At the DMV they had a sign in sheet, but instead of calling the next person's name on the list, they just said "next." How silly is that? All of us sitting in there waiting. We don't know who's next. One friendly fellow started asking us our names and figured out who was after who. So weird. I guess the workers didn't want to get out of their chairs and look at the list. 

When I got back, my mom had the cushion in the cover and it was on the chair. Yay! Picked up Charlie and we all got ready to go to gym class, Jake and Callie, and Tom too. 

Callie wasn't playing at the park. She wanted to go back to grandma's house, so Tom and I took her and went to Home Depot. Garrett watched Jake. He has fun at gym class. I forgot to bring a diaper bag and she needed a change. Luckily, she was just wet. We picked up the other boys and drove home. 

I was able to go in the hot tub for 1/2 hour before going to Tai Chi, but Joe came down and talked to me for 15 min. So it wasn't the quiet time I was hoping for.

I was the only student at Tai Chi and I am so glad I went. Came home. Relaxed in my chair.  Started supper while the boys went to hockey. Went to Winn Dixie for a few things for supper. Made a giant salad with romaine, spinach, apples, raisins, chickpeas, and broccoli. Rob brought donuts and I didn't eat any. :0)  I made Charlie eat his salad before he could have a donut. He was being a punk.

I cleaned up the dishes, talked to a friend on the phone, and went to bed.

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