Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014


Sat in the hot tub this morning, then went for my walk. I had a bad attitude most of the day. I know it was from not being thankful for everything that I have. Clutter and piles were drivinge me crazy today. Everywhere I look there are more jobs for me. I don't have time to do them all. 

After my shower I cleaned out the cabinet under one of my bathroom sinks. I started school with Charlie, then tried to start with Tommy and Garrett but got tired of waiting for Garrett to get out of the bathroom. He was in there for 40 minutes! So I quit school and told them to work on their own today. 

I went through my clothes in my closet. (I don't have a dresser.) I also went through Tom's 2 shelves of t-shirts. I bagged two bags for Salvation Army. I listened to "Huckleberry Finn" the whole time.

The big kids spent the day at church with a friend who helped them with a photo shoot. 

I made a salad and homemade baked beans for supper. I packed some for me and took it to church. Had Bible study at church. Came home and made three batches of popcorn with our new Stanley Cup popcorn popper that Rob gave us. We watched the first Indiana Jones movie. Told Garrett to do dishes and I went to bed slightly after midnight.

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