Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6, 2014


I woke up early enough for quiet time and the hot tub before church. Went to church and home again. Jake and Callie came over. Garrett played with them in the sprinkler on the porch while I transplanted some plants and tried to straighten things up out there. Jake got a sliver in his foot from the deck. I want to get some indoor/outdoor carpet out there to stop the slivers.

Tom took Jake and Callie in the hot tub. I watered my plants and found a little watering can just right for Callie. I put together a ruffle for the bottom of Callie's latest dress and sewed the hem. Now I need to gather it and attach it. Then do the buttons and button holes. 

We left for Schooner Wharf. After we started to set up, there was a mix up about what band was playing. The schedule posted said it was not us, but our schedule and their online schedule said it was us. It ended up being us! Yay!! Since we were already there!

Tom and I took a walk to Kilwin's and bought a few goodies. Love the Salted Carmel Fudge. I was hoping to get a veggie burger from The Cafe but ate fish tacos with jalapeƱos instead. I worked on my embroidery most of the night and ate my chocolate goodies with coffee.

I drove home Ed's van with TJ and Charlie. They both fell asleep and I listened to Huckleberry Finn while driving. 

Got home a little before 1 AM and Garrett  had the dishes done. He keeps asking me about getting a phone but the deal is, he's supposed to get up at 10 AM so we can start school at 11, but he doesn't. When he can consistently be on time, then he can get a phone. :0)

Ariel, Charlie, and Ian at Schooner Wharf tonight.

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