Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014


I overslept till 8:30 again. Oops. Went in the hot tub and finally went walking again. Garrett couldn't get his butt out of bed, even after I woke him up a few times. That made us start school late, not till 12:35. That made me grumpy and I was tempted to take the day off, but I pressed forward and we started and had a fairly good day. 

Charlie, on the other hand, had a bad day. He was a brat practicing his fiddle. Then a brat when it was his turn to do school. So, I took his iPad away for the day. ( He apologized to me later.) He did get to start a history course on the computer and enjoyed that.

I went to Kim's studio at 3:30. Angelica was there too, and the three of us wound another set of wraps onto a loom.

Came home and made supper for Tom, Joe, and I ; marinated mushrooms, onions, and peppers in a wrap with chopped cabbage.. I'll make that again. It was yummy.

We went to Bible study at church. The big kids stayed to set up for youth group tomorrow. I came home and went over Garrett's math with him. Then it was time for bed. I am going to be in bed by 11 tonight. :0)

The 2nd pic is Kim's husband, Doug, carrying all their stuff from church.

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