Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014


Quiet time and walked. I might start running again. I'm thinking about it. After I showered we started school. After about 2 hours I made Kale Soup. I also made a cucumber salad. We ate the soup before we left for Sloppy's but ate the salad while driving to the gig.

I practiced fiddle with Charlie. I enjoy practicing. 

We went to Sloppy's. Ben has a cold so I  walked to CVS and bought him medicine.
We had a great, fun crowd tonight. We had a lot of fans at the show tonight. It was fun talking to them. I'm glad they came and talked to me.i also appreciate the staff at Sloppy's who always take great care of us. Thank you all!

When we drove home Tom went thru the McDonald's drive thru and bought icecream. When we got home I got a second burst of energy and folded a basket of laundry. I made it to bed at 1 AM. 

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