Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 8, 2013


I got up at 8 and TJ dropped the kids off at 8:30. TJ, Ang, and Joe went to a their gig at Blue Heaven. Tom took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. Then at 12:30 Tom took us to gym class. Jake and Callie went with us. Tom went to visit Bob and Helen but just visited Helen because Bob was at the beach. It was 88 degrees this afternoon.

Came home, had a bite to eat, and rushed to Tai Chi. Nina went with me. We were the only two students. When we walked to the car afterwards, a storm front was blowing in. Super windy. It started to rain after we got home, so hockey was called off. Tom and I went to Marathon to say goodbye to Grandpa Bob and Helen. They are leaving for NY tomorrow. 

Bob and Helen weren't home. They were at a concert. So we went to Home Depot and bought an air conditioner for TJ's apartment. Then went back to Bob and Helen's. They had just sat down to supper and invited us to eat, so we did.  

When we got home, Rob was cooking and the boys had ordered pizza. We ate, had coffee, Garrett did dishes and we went to bed.

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