Friday, April 25, 2014

April 24, 2014


I took today off and it was a very relaxing day. I had quiet time, walked, and went in the hot tub. I went to Kim's studio and wove 6 feet! I went home and started supper. I made a giant salad and started Ginger, Curry,  Coconut milk, and Carrot soup. Then I went over to the church to check out the OMY youth group. The kids played glow in the dark dodge ball. I watched the kids lead worship and Ben give the message. Then went home. I finished the soup. Rob came up. He, Tom, and Tommy went to the park. When they got back we ate (the soup was delicious and they ate it all-need to triple the recipe next time) and did what we do every night-watched hockey. Charlie stayed over at Shannon's house. Shortly after 11 I went to bed.

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