Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 19, 2014


Woke up the boys and some of us went to the Beach Baptism BBQ at Bahia Honda. Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, and Jonathon went. My parents went too. Kim was there, TJ and Ang went too.
A big, gray cloud looked discouraging. It rained for a few minutes, then stopped. The wind blew the cloud away and the sun came back out. We sang, people were baptized, then there was food. I stayed on the beach afterwards. 

I went to the evening service with my parents to watch some of the boys play. Before the service, during practice for Sunday's concert, the boys were fighting. That ended the practice and stressed us all out.

After service, my parents, Tom, and I went to Bistro 31 to watch Doug's gig there. The Yacoes met us there too. Joey watched their boys and our little boys at our house, two blocks away. Ben played with Doug and TJ joined in too.

The days are so busy, so full. Stayed up too late, again.

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