Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014


I didn't get out walking today. I got up too late and it was too hot. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and then we did school. The big kids had meetings. Tommy and Charlie went to art class at the park. 

I invited TJ and Ang over for supper. I figured they wouldn't have much time to make anything between practice and the Bible study. I made sweet potato blackbean tacos for supper and added apples and walnuts to last night's leftover salad. It was very yummy. 

We went to church for Bible study. Kim, Ang, TJ, Joe, and Ben played in the worship band. Afterwards, Charlie and I stopped at Winn Dixie. Charlie wanted chocolate cake and I bought berries. I bought some fruit for a man that sits on the porch in front of the store but he didn't want it. 

We came home. The big kids stayed at the church to set up and practice for youth tomorrow. Tom wanted to watch hockey but he needed Ed to make the projector and everything work, so he couldn't watch. He really wanted to watch but the boys didn't answer his texts. So he went to bed.

I did an Omnibus lesson and had Garrett and Tommy do the dishes.

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