Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014


TJ and Ang picked me up at 8:30 am for a full day trip to Miami. First stop was for Ang's sonogram, then second, her doctor's appt. Next, we got smoothies. Angelica, Callie, and I went into Joann Fabrics and TJ and Jake went into Guitar Center.  I bought fabric for 3 dresses for Callie and some trims for inspiration for more embroidered dresses. I also picked up buttons for embroidered dresses. Jake picked out teenage mutant ninja turtle  fabric. After that we stopped at Target. I bought a few princess things for Callie girl and a Minion shirt for Jake. Then we went to Whole Foods. I had never been there before. What an awesome store! TJ and Ang bought some groceries. We got our lunch/supper there and ate it in the truck, then drove 3 1/2 hours back to Big Pine Key.

In the waiting room for Ang's sonogram I picked up a magazine. In it was an article about the best islands to live on. Guess what? There was a page about Big Pine Key. We rank rough up there with Crete, Greece. Hmmm. Don't we have it made? The magazine was from 2009. Isn't that funny?

They dropped me off at home and no one was there. Tommy and Charlie were at Shannon's, the big kids at OMY (youth group), and Tom and Rob were skating at the park. I decided to finish the buttonholes on Callie's dresses. The one on the left is her Easter dress. 

Tom and Rob came back from the park. I pulled out leftover salad from the fridge and made coffee. I finished all the buttonholes and sewed on the buttons. 

The boys all came home. I put all my sewing stuff away and went to bed.

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